Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Organic vs Non-Organic Baby Care Essentials

Assalamualaikum mommies!

Dah start keje semula ke today? Ibu ZNI masih cuti hari ni, ada check up pulak. Selalu check up weekend, tapi kali ni weekend penuh pulak. So, terpaksalah ambil cuti nak pergi check up kan.

Well, like usual, sementara ada byk masa menunggu giliran nak jumpa Doktor kejap lagi, kita update blog kejap la kalau sempat.

Hari ni nak cerita pasal Baby Care Essentials untuk Baby ZNI nanti. Kalau dulu2 time kakak Zahrah, awal2 tu memang guna Pureen je sebab itu je yang tau dan glamor kan. Tapi since kali ni banyak brands yang keluarkan segala jenis products utk mandian dan sebagainya, ditambah pula dengan sejarah ekzema kakak Zahrah Nur Iman, so ibu pun terasa nak bertukar kepada organic products product, or at least less chemical products la.

I'm not sure which one is better, but have to "try and error" dulu la kot. Need to put extra money on this sebab price organic products ni memang lebih mahal dari normal products, selain tests, certificate dan ingredients yang digunakan, normally organic products ni based in overseas.

So, ini antara products yang akan digunakan nanti. Mostly beli online either via official websites or shoppee 😊😊😊

Barang Mandian Baby - Offsprings and Joielle Baby
Baby Balm - Set Tasneem Nature (plus Body Wash)
Others - Chomel Cleansers/Sanitiser, Mukmin Junior, Minyak Yu Yee and Sterimar Nasal Hygiene

Jom kita tengok secara dekat.

JOIELLE Baby Essential

I bought this set thru shoppee (ms baby shop) at total of  around Rm140 including for Mama Nipple Balm. Kalau set newborn ada baby cream sekali, tapi iols ambil nappy cream instead. Tapi ni bukan actually jual dalam set, beli loose items, pilih2 masuk shopping cart from same shop, senang sikit. Mostly harga memang murah dari Normal Price (above RM30 each). Dapatlah jimat sikit walaupun xbanyak kan. 

Why I chose Joielle? 
Thru pakcik Google, and finally I found this in Mummy Blog that Joielle Baby products are:

  1. KKM Approved
  2. Certified by HALAL JAKIM
  3. Dermatologist Tested ~ Lab Tested from SWISS LAB saying that all of the ingredients used are safe and suitable for babies.
  4. Hypoallergenic (referring to all ingredients used in producing Joielle Baby products are rarely associated with allergic reactions, this is based on a test which was conducted by Joielle Baby where the results shown 92% babies are suitable with Joielle Baby). 

BTW, this product produced in Malaysia sahaja ya. Nothing much I can say Sebab iols Belum try lagi products ni kan. Nanti bila dah guna pada Baby ZNI, iols inform in other post yer. And kalau sesuai, nanti boleh beli Travel Set punya juga utk jalan2 or balik kampung kan. 

Kalau uols nak tau lebih lanjut boleh direct dengan Mummy ni yer, sbb I noted that she is one of Joielle Baby products' agent.


I chose to buy Baby Essentials Bundle for better price, bought directly from Offsprings Website. This set consists of Head-to-Toe Wash (250ml), Baby Lotion (100ml) and Nappy Balm (75ml). Tapi nampak banyak kan?? Actually nampak banyak sebab beli 2x bundle set 😜😜😜

Mula2 berjinak2 dengan Offsprings ni bila iols nampak dalam insta Stacy Anam (Ibu ZNI memang suka stalk insta artis ok!).. So, first time beli tu amek bundle Diapers and Baby wipes (nnt kita share dalam lain post yer), Baby Essential Trial Set @RM50 (yang dalam kotak kecik tu), The Three Essentials Bundle @ RM123 (consists of Baby Lotion, Nappy Balm and Chestrub Balm). Then, rasa nak try baby wash pulak, so, next purchase tu ambil Basic Essentials Bundle @ RM183 (incl. Head2Toe, Nappy Balm and Baby Lotion). Jadinya, ada 2 la both Lotion and nappy balm tu. Since beli bundle ni ada discount, compared to loose items, tu yang mudah terpengaruh tu sampai 2x beli😌😌😌

Why I choose Offsprings in the first place? 
Basically, from the website, they claimed that Basic Essentials Bundle offers the followings:

  1. Resized & repackaged for your convenience. 
  2. Safe for sensitive skin and eczema.
  3. Certified Organic by Ecocert Cosmos.
  4. Certified Australian-Made.
  5. Certified Cruelty-Free, and completely vegan. 

Like I said earlier, later nanti ibu ZNI share ya how it goes with Baby ZNI. Hopefully this products brand can help Baby ZNI in future. Semoga anak ibu nanti sesuai dengan product ni. InshaaAllah😍😍😍

Set Newborn Tasneem Naturel

Lately ni selalu pulak nampak promo Tasneem Naturel kat FB. Since iols xboleh nampak perkataan "natural" tu, so terpaksalah jugak survey pasal produk ni. Aunty Zahrah yang baru lepas bersalin pun pakai ni untuk baby Nafhah, positive comments and recommended. So i dealt directly dengan TN HQ even ramai je agent ada kat insta, FB mahupun shoppee. I prefer deal dengan official kedai senang nak tanya.

Ada byk set diorg offer, and their main products are baby balm. Ada 5 jenis balms semuanya, each bottle harganya RM49 yer, tapi kalau beli banyak dapatlah diskaun. Since ada Set Newborn, so ibu ZNI ambik set ni for trial. Ada 3 Balms i.e. Calm Time, T-rub and CF- rub which have different usages. Plus, ibu ZNI macam tertarik dengan yang Color purple tu, so tambah la Set Dream Away. Dalam set ni pulak ada Sleep Time body wash, Sleep Time roll on and Sleep Time balm. 

Apa fungsi produk Tasneem Natural ni? 
Sepertimana yang dimaklumkan oleh seller TN ni, berikut adalah fungsi setiap balms:

  1. Calm time - Membantu anak lebih tenang dan tidak meragam serta Mengurangkan tekanan dan keletihan.
  2. Coughflu (CF-RUB) - Membantu mencairkan kahak, Mengurangkan selesema, dan Membantu melegakan athma.
  3. Tummy (T-RUB) - Untuk bayi yang cirit-birit dan sembelit serta Melegakan kembung perut & membuang angin. 
  4. Sleep time - Membantu anak mudah tidur & tidur lebih lena dan  Memberi tidur yang lebih berkualiti.
  5. Skeenz - Dirumus khas untuk masalah kulit dan ekzema.

In total I took 4 out of 5 balms except yang Skeenz Balm which produced specifically for eczema. Nampak cantik kan warna warni Balms ni. Kena jimat2 sikit guna time perlu jela jawabnya sebab harga boleh tahan ni. At total for Set Newborn (3balms) and Set Dream Away ni sebanyak RM256 and dapatlah free gift sabun seketul and pouch TN color pink. Kalau uols nak cuba, cari je kat insta/FB guna #TasneemNaturel confirm jumpa banyak..hihi😍😍😍

MUKMIN Junior for Kakak Zahrah

Mukmin Junior ni beli time singgah di Motherhood Warehouse Sale ada booth Mukmin. Since kakak asyik merungut beli barang baby je, so ibu belikan lah Mukmin Junior ni utk kakak. At total of RM20, ada bedak susu, body wash and head2toe wash and 2 toothpastes. Ok la kan.. Khas untuk kakak Zahrah tu..hihi..

Untuk cleansers pulak, this time I chose ChomelBaby products. Previously guna Pureen untuk bottle cleanser tu kan, yang lain2 tak pernah guna pun before this. So, nak buat kelainan, so I chose ChomelBaby instead of Pureen or other brands. Banyak jugak organic brands yang ada, tapi since those cleanser xde direct contact dengan baby skin, so I choose ChomelBaby which more on natural based, not organic based. 

What differs ChomelBaby from others?
As promised by ChomelBaby, the products are Safe and Effective Promise which guarantees:

  1. No harsh or harmful chemicals
  2. Readilly Biodegradable in 28days
  3. Hypoallergenic - will not cause allergic reaction

So, dalam mencari yang terbaik, kenalah juga tengok kemampuan kan. Since ChomelBaby products agak affordable, so bolehlah nak cuba kan. Kita tgk hasilnya nanti. Setakat ni dah guna time basuh botol2 baru hari tu. I think baunya harum! 

Uols boleh beli direct dekat their website or thru motherhood, babydash.my or shoppee. Harga memang lain2 la. Yang dari website ChomelBaby ni ibu ZNI beli 2x ChomelBaby Hand Sanitizer 55ml, 1 ChomelBaby Toy & Surface Cleaner 500ml dan 1 ChomelBaby Travel & Highchair Cleaner 100ml, in total RM61. ChomelBaby Breastpump & Bottle Cleanser 500ml tu beli kat shoppee je, dapatlah kurang RM2 dari harga biasa, so amek dua botol dari shopper shulammite at RM35 (sbb dah tolak point and free shipping, boleh dpt lagi murah di shoppee ya) 😅😅😅

Sterimar Nasal Hygiene & Minyak Yu Yee

These items are an optional items to use sebab set2 yang dah beli sebelum ni dah complete dengan minyak dan balms kan. Tapi saje nak tambah minyak yu yee ni in case nak guna nanti kan.

Sterimar Nasal Hygiene ni pulak i beli sebab terbaca dalam insta imanabdulrahim since she used it for her baby utk releasekan nose blockage. So if perlu nnt kita guna sekali dengan Tollyjoy punya Nasal Aspirator ya.

Fuh, terasa panjang pulak type, dari hospital sampai dah balik rumah, tak habis menulis lagi..kihkih..

So dipendekkan cerita (pendeklah sgt!) kita tunggu dan lihat lah mane yang worth to be used utk baby ZNI nanti.

Ok la, till we meet again in next post.



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